Video audition

Submit your video audition links

Video audition instructions

The following guidance will explain how to submit your video audition to the ICMT.

You will need to submit either one, or separate videos to include the following:
- Two contrasting musical theatre songs (under 2 minutes).
- One monologue of your choice (under 3 minutes).
- One dance routine (see guidance below).

Once you have recorded your videos, please use the form below to submit links to your files. This can be Youtube/Vimeo links (we recommend unlisted), or links to a folder such as WeTransfer, OneDrive, Dropbox etc. Please make sure that all links are accessible. If you have one video file that contains all elements of your audition, please just use the first link space.

Dance guidlines

Please record yourself performing the dance routine provided below.

We want to see potential rather than perfection. Please bring your performance technique and passion into these self-tapes.

Please also incorporate some freestyle either before or after the routine starts. We want to see your personality and any other tricks or abilities that you may have (kicks, leaps, turns etc). Your self-tape should be no longer than 50 seconds.

Song: What I Know Now, Beetlejuice the Musical > Routine from 2 minutes 13 seconds.

Audition Dance:
Demonstration >
Tutorial >

With your dance self-tape please include:
- A photo in first position (arms in bras bras)

Please ensure you are in tight fitting clothing so we can see your lines.
Clearly name your video files with the appropriate headings.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to receiving your submissions!